









        Saints Kiril and Metodiy
(Saints Cyrill and Methodius)

On the fresco is in Cyrillic not Glagolitic alphabet


              Saints Kiril and Metodiy  - Old Makedonian language: ''Кириллъ и Меиодїи'', (''SLO  VEN - SLOVO na VENETITE'' - WORD of the Venetians, SLOVEN - THE WORD OF GOD, SLOVENI - THE PEOPLE WHO SPREAD THE WORD OF GOD OR THE PEOPLE WHO SPREAD THE WORD OF GOD,... means nothing scary or shameful, BUT PEACEFUL AND PROUD. More precise interpretation of the word  SLOVEN - SLO VEN, is WORD of the Venetians - those who speak the language of the Venetians), were Makedonian holy brothers and all-Soveni educators, born in Thessalonikeon (Solun) in the ninth century, who became missionaries of Christianity among the Slavenians (Sloveni not ''slavs'') of Greater Moravia and Pannonia


KIR - К (how) IR (Аr the creator) hence lord - sir,
IL - Ile the Makedonia ancient god of the Sun.

Lord god - Kiril.


MET - МЕ Т - МЕ (the Goddess Mother Ma, syllabic) Т (Sun, light, ancient deity) honey
ODI - go, steps
Y - Ј - y, addition. 

METODIY - ME TOD IY - ME (the Goddess Mother Ma, syllabic) TOD (TOT, an ancient deity of knowledge) IY (addition).

A blissful step - Metodiy.


             Through their work they influenced the cultural development of all Sloveni, which is why they received the title of Apostles of the Sloveni. They are credited with inventing the Glagolitic alphabet, the alphabet used to transcribe the ancient Makedonian language. After their death, their students continued their work and activity among the Sloveni

            Both brothers are revered in the Eastern Orthodox Church as saints with the title Equal to the Apostles. In 1880, Pope Leo 13 introduced their glory into the Roman Catholic calendar. In 1980, John Paul 2 proclaimed them co-patrons of Europe, together with Benedict of Nursia.

( SLOVEN - SLO VEN,  WORD of the Venetians )   

 WORD of the Venetians, SLOVEN - SLO VEN, means - they spoke similarly, not that dat they are genetically related.
The Makedonian Vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy spoke the  ''WORD of the Venetians, ''sloven-ski - Makedonski''. 
Because Makedonia was banned by the Romans for centuries, the Makedonians invented it "SLOVENI", but this does not mean that we were genetically the same, with others who spoke Slovenian languages, it should not divide us with other Sloveni, but unites us.


THEY are NOT "GREECE", "ELAS", "HELAS", on the ancient maps, SUCH THING DOES NOT EXIST IN ANTIQUITY. "Greeks" and "hellenism" is a Latin invention.

The Romans invented the "Greeks", but Latin priests after the 11th century began to spread untruths about "Greeks" and "Hellenism" and began to distort history in order to oppose to the  "correct", Christianization of the Sloveni in Moravia, thus to oppose the Makedonian revivalists Cyril and Methodius and his disciples, because the Makedonian vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy  was a "powerful" tool against the Latins priests.
     It was inadmissible for the Makedonian vasileos Makedonon Alexandroy to be "Sloven-speaking", Latin priests began to invent "ancient historians" and distort the history.
The name of the Makedonian vasileos Alexandroy Makedonion
to replace him  with "great" - "the great", "magnus", .. to give him the epithet "hellen", which means "pagan" not a Christian.

"Hellenes" does not mean a nation but religion invented by Latin priests, the Greeks today persistently lie that "the Hellenes" is a nation


        St. Kiril and St. Metoduy of Thetsalonikeon (Solun) were born brothers from Thetsalonikeon (Solun), Makedonians and all-Sloneni educators from a respectable and rich family, father Lion and mother Maria. The older brother, Methodius, spent ten years among the Makedonians as an officer. Then he went to the Holy Mountain (mountain) Olimp - Olympus and surrendered to a monastic feat. Kiril (Constantine the Philosopher) later joined him here. Kiril and Metodiy, known as the Solunian educators brothers, have played a major role in Sloveni history. Their work made the Sloveni peoples literate.

         By the beginning of the 9th century, a solid foundation had already been laid for a wider and more organized missionary activity in Western
Paristrion. At that time, the Romei Empire (Western Rome Empire) was experiencing a new cultural boom, so this wave splashed the cities that were far from Constantinople, especially Solun

       In the first decades of the 9th century in Solun lives the family of a high official of the imperial government, assistant to the Romei strategist of Solun and the Solun area. It was Leon with his wife Maria. Their nationality is clearly Makedonian,.. their names are strongly Makedonian. The family had several children, but only the names of the eldest - Metodiy and the youngest Constantine - are mentioned. Not even the secular name of Metodiy is mentioned, who received this during his monasticism.

     Godly parents have directed their offspring from infancy to Christianity, seeking to help them apply the sublime Christian truths in their lives. From his youth, Constantine dealt with the writings of St. Gregory of Nazianz
is and Dionysius of Aeropagis. His father sent him to Constantinople (Constantinople - Istanbul) to continue his education at the Imperial Magnaur School, where, in addition to theological sciences, grammar, arithmetic, geography, astronomy, music, poetry, rhetoric were studied. In addition to these sciences, Constantine also studied languages ​​- Latin, Hebrew and Syriac. After completing his higher education, Constantine was appointed librarian at St. Sophia Church, and was later appointed professor of philosophy at the school where he graduated. Then he was named Constantine the Philosopher. 


Painted wall of the Holy Brothers in the monastery of St. Jovan Bigorski, Debarunfortunately the letter on the fresco is in Cyrillic not Glagolitic

      As highly educated and talented persons,
Kiril and Metodiy will be assigned very difficult and responsible tasks by the Roman court.

They were first sent on a mission to the Saracens (Arabs) in Baghdad, which, like the Khazar and Moravian missions, was part of Pomegranate's political program, whose main goal was to Christianize the Saracens, Khazars, Moravian Sloveni, Paristrion (state of tatars), Russians and other peoples of the East and north of Romeia and to impose Romeian ecclesiastical authority on them.

“... Old man foolish Parestrians or Tatars, 8not "Bulgarians" - the text is manipulated) are all cannibals, they will eat you alive before you baptize them. Everything is so wild that they eat live meat and steal a live child from the mother ...“

Not the "Bulgarians" but the Tatars, Cyril did not "baptize" the Tatars, he tried with his brother Methodiy (us) they created the "glagolictic alphabet", the they disciples Kiment and Naum Ohritdski and Kostantin Bregalnicki "baptized" the Tatars and passed it on the ''Cyrillic alphabet'' in Preslav from Makedonia which was already in use with certainty in the Bregalnica region,... the Bulgarians do not know their history.

When the Khazar kagan Kagan asked romeian king Michael for preachers of the faith in Jesus Christ, the two brothers were found by order of the king and sent to the Khazars. After convincing the Khazar kagan Kagan of the faith of Christ, they baptized this king and many of his chiefs and an even greater number of people.

After some time they returned to Constantinople, where they composed the Sloven alphabet of thirty-eight letters and began to translate the church books in Makedonian language. 

     At the invitation of Tsar Rostislav, they went to Moravia and there they spread and established the Orthodox faith, so they multiplied the books and gave them to the priests to teach the youth. Later, at the call of the Pope, they left for Rome, where Kiril fell ill and died, on February 14, 869. Then Metodiy returned to Moravia and until his death tried to establish the faith of Christ among the Slovens there. After his death  on April 6, 885 - his more trustworthy students, led by St. Clement of Ohrid as bishop, crossed the Danube and descended south to Makedonia, where from Ohrid they continued to work on the same work started by Metodiy and Kiril in the north.

     As for Methodius, there are very few sources according to which he received a secular education and devoted himself to civil and military service. He was endowed with a Christian virtuous life and state and military abilities. For a long time he ruled the Bregalnica area of Makedonia and contributed to the deepening of Christianity in the Makedonian soul in that part of Makedonia. His brother Constantine was especially credited for this success.

     The missionary activity of the holy brothers among the Makedonians, especially the restoration and application of the Makedonian alphabet is noted in the book (zhitie) of St. Naum. This preceded the translation of the holy books into the language of the Makedonians in Solun area and the missionary work among the Western Sloveni in Moravia.

     Some time before their missionary work, the holy brothers retired to the Polychron Monastery on Mount Olympus, where they actually prepared for their epochal missionary work. The monastic loneliness was interrupted twice when they were sent by the Romeia (Byzantine) government of the Patriarch of Constantinople on missions between the Saracens and the Khazars. They performed these missions with great success. The Short Biography of Constantine - Kiril, written by his student Kliment Ohridski, states that:

Cyril discovered the Khazar kagan that he was not of Romeia descent, but that his grandfather was one of the people of a foreign "king" but fled to Romeia.

St. Kiril

     Rostislav, the knez of Great Moravia, sent a request to the Emperor of Romea, Michael 3 to send him, a bishop and teacher, who would explain to them in their language the true Christian faith.. The choice fell on the holy brothers. They were almost ready for this mission as well, as many of the holy books had already been translated into Sloveni (Old Makedonian) language. They chose worthy students and helpers and set out for Moravia. There they were welcomed with great joy and great honors. Shortly afterwards they opened a school, in which they prepared future priests and teachers for the Western Sloveni peoples. Here they encountered great resistance from the Teutonic priests of Holy Roman Empire: accused of heresy. They were forced to go to Rome and prove their orthodoxy. They were received in Rome with great honors by Pope Adrian 2. He approved the Sloveni liturgical books and ordered that they be placed in the altar of the church of Santa Maria Maggiore and that worship be performed in the Sloveni language in three Roman churches. Kiril fell seriously ill in Rome and died on February 14, 869. Metodiy continues the epochal missionary work among the Moravians alone with the help of his disciples, who were ordained priests in Rome. The enmity from the Teutonic priests of Holy Roman Empire did not stop. Exhausted by toil and torture, St. Metodiy died at Nitra in 885. His disciples were subjected to torture and persecution. Some of them sold out as slaves.

      The work of the holy brothers after the death of St. Metodiy fell into a great crisis, but thanks to their most gifted students - St. Clement and St. Nahum, the Ohrid saints and miracle workers, teachers and educators, using their missionary method, which aimed to proclaimed the truth of God to the new nations, beginning their cultural identity, remained a living form for the Holy Church and for the missionaries of all times.

The holy brothers Kiril and Methodius managed to become apostles of the Sloveni. They wanted to serve the good of all Sloveni peoples and the unity of the Universal Church. For these and similar merits, in his apostolic epistle "egrigae virtulis" Pope John Paul 2 on December 31, 1980 declared them co-patrons of Europe, whose patron is St. Benedict, proclaimed by Pope Paul 4 on October 26. , 1964.

The tomb of st. Kiril (St. Cyril)  in Rome.


Moravian mission

      The reason for the Moravian mission of Kiril and Metodiy was the letter of the Moravian knez Rostislav to the  emperor of Romeia Michael 3. Rostislav sought to establish and strengthen his state, Moravia, which was in danger of the Teutonic priests of Holy Roman Empire. To remove the danger he sought preachers who would spread the teachings of Christ in the Sloveni language. Romeia will accept his message because the Holy Roman Empire - Paristrion (state of tatars) alliance was a danger to both Moravia and Romeia security.

       Kiril and Metodiy accepted this task, but they encountered many problems, and one of them was the lack of an alphabet in which to translate the most necessary books for worship. Constantine, assisted by Metodiy, created the first ''slovenski'' alphabet, >>>>GLAGOLITZA <<<<
which contains 38 letters. In the Glagolitic alphabet, 24 letters were in the form of the ANCIENT MAKEDONIAN LETTER - ''KOINON MAKEDONON'' - the Venetian alphabet, and the remaining 14 according to the phonetic system of the Makedonian language.

n 863 they arrived in Moravia where they opened a number of schools and churches in which Slavic language education was spread, and a large number of new teachers were trained. Latin-
Teutonic priests of Holy Roman Empire clergy began to accuse them of spreading heresy, so the pope summoned them to his court in Rome. On the way to Rome Constantine, Methodius and their disciples stayed in Pannonia where they laid the foundations of Sloveni literacy in this country as well.

Before arriving in Rome, they stayed briefly in Venice where Constantine, who was known as a good philosopher and orator, argued with the trilinguals. those who advocated the spread of Christ's teaching only ), Hebrew, Latin and Ionian - Danai language (Ionian - Danai - greek is after - „greekis for people to understand what it is, people do not understand the Ionian-Danai language and make a difference. The Romans were the first to call the Danai "relatives of the Ionians of Asia Minor" as Greeks, modern Greek language is different from Ionian - Danai, "modern Greeks" do not understand ancient "Ionian-Danai" language. The first Greek state for the first time in history was created by foreigners under the leadership of the foreign Bavarian monarch, after 1835). Constantine refuted the accusations, saying that every nation has the right to its own language. 

When they arrived in Rome, Constantine brought the relics of Pope Clement, who was martyred in 100 AD. and who was later canonized by the Roman Church.

       In Rome in 869, Pope Adrian dedicated the Sloven books, which means that the Roman Church officially recognized the Sloven-ska literacy.

Shortly after his official confession, Kiril fell ill and died. After his death, Metodiy resumed his activities, but was constantly attacked and slandered by the
Teutonic priests of Holy Roman Empire clergy and exhausted from fighting them, from prisons and persecutions, he died in 885.

Kiril and Metodiy translated several church books such as the Sunday Gospel for reading on Sundays and holidays, The Minister - a book containing prayers and readings in various services, ''The Trebnik'' - a book of prayers and readings for various occasions in people's lives.

Metodiy translated ''The Nomocanon'' book, which is a collection of rules and laws for the church, ''The Pateric'' - a collection of short biographies of various church fathers.

In the biography (zhitie) of Kiril he is mentioned as an original author of various poems.

Kiril and Metodiy based on the Makedonian language from the vicinity of Solun - Thessalonikeon, created the first literary language for the all other Sloveni people known as Old Slovenic or Church-Sloveni language, created the Sloveni ''glagolitza'' - Glagolitic alphabet, translated the books into Sloveni language, and through the spread of Christian teaching in Sloveni language, laid the foundations of Sloveni literacy and culture.

G  L  А  G  О  L  I  T  Z A - Glagolitic alphabet

     The  Glagolitic alphabet (early Christian alphabet) was created by St. Kiril (827-869) and St. Metodiy (826-885) in 855 or about 862-863 for translating the Bible and other books into Sloveni languages.

The name comes from the Old Sloveni word, meaning ''the word'' (also the origin of the letter - G - „Г“).

     Glagolitic alphabet has 41 letters, but their number varies slightly in later versions. Twenty-four of those 41 letters originate from the ANCIENT MAKEDONIAN LETTER - VENETIAN LETTER, in Glagolitic alphabet they have an ornamental appearance

    Croatian Glagolitic has a long and interesting history, longer than 1000 years. Croats were the only people in Europe who the pope allowed to use his own language and script in the church.

The Romeia (Byzantine) emperor MICHAEL 3 (842 - 867) who addressing CONSTANTINE - KIRIL, said:



In the oldest "Life of St. Metodiy ”from the 9th century the words are completely transferred of the Romeia  emperor MICHAEL 3, addressed to the Holy Brothers of Solun: „...BECAUSE YOU ARE CITY OF SOLUN (Tessalonikeon), AND ALL SOLUTIONS SPEAK PURELY SLOVENI DIALECT” .


Rostislav, the prince of Great Moravia, wanted to free the population in his principality from dependence on the eastern Frankish priests, and so in 862 he asked the Pomic emperor to send two missionaries, Saints Cyril and Metodiy, to Great Moravia. Kiril created a new alphabet: ''Glagolitza - Glagolitic''. The alphabet was used in Greater Moravia between 863 (when Kiril and Metodiy arrived there) and 885 for government and church documents, and in the Great Moravian School founded by Kiril, where the followers of the Solun - Thessalonikeon, brethren (as well as Metdiy himself) were educated.

In 886, the Nietzschean bishop of Nitra named Vihing banned the letter ''Glagolitza - Glagolitic'' and imprisoned 200 followers of
Metodiy (mostly elementary school students). Then they were scattered or, according to some sources, sold as slaves. However, three of them reached Paristrion ( the state founded by the of Tatars and Trakians, Tribalians, skutiand and Makedonians) and were asked by knez Boris the First to educate the priests in Sloveni languages. The conversion to Christianity in Paristrion in 865, religious ceremonies were performed on latin by priests sent by Romeia. For greatest influence from to  Romeia  and to free the state from them influence, Boris saw the new Sloveni script and texts in the church as an important step in preserving the independence of Paristrion. As a result of the measures taken, two academies were opened in city of Ohrid and Preslav.

From there, the students traveled to different places and spread the alphabet. Some went to Croatia and Dalmatia, where they started the Croatian variant that has been used for a very long time. In 1248, Pope Innocent 4 granted Croats a unique privilege of using that language and script in the church.

The oldest text where the name of Croatia is written is in Glagolitic.

Some of the students at the Ohrid School went to Bohemia, where the alphabet was used in the 10th and 11th centuries, along with other letters. Glagolitic was also used in Russia, but quite rarely.


>>>>> CYRILLIC IS A LETTER THAT IS MISSED IN THE REGION OF THE FLOW OF THE BREGALNITZA RIVER, ... A RIVER LOCATED IN THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA. At the end of the 9th century, the Cyrillic alphabet was transferred to Preslav (Paristrion), more specifically to The Preslav Literary School by Konstantin Bregalnichki, st. Naum and Klement from Ohrid. THERE ARE MANY ARCHAEOLOGICAL FINDINGS FROM THE BREGALNIK REGION THAT DATE FROM 9 CENTURIES AGO, AND THEY ARE NOT SUFFICIENT STUDYED how in Makedonia and outside. THOSE ARCHAEOLOGICAL FINDINGS ARE LOCATED TODAY IN THE PRIVATE BASEMENTS OF THOSE WHO DISCOVERED THEM AND ARE WAITING TO SEE THE LIGHT  the truth for the Makedonian identity culture and Makedonian genius. <<<<<<  

            In improving the Cyrillic alphabet, two students of St. Kiril and Metodiy, and that is St. Naum Ohridski, who is one of the founders of the Preslav school in Paristrion, while St. Clement of Ohrid in Paristrion converted Prince Boris from a pagan to a Christian faith, for which he received as a gift land around city of Ohrid, where he built a monastery and a school. BUT THEY St. Naum and Kliment Ohridski, out of respect for their teachers, kept the Glagolitic - Glagolitza alphabet in the Ohrid school and continued their activity. The Cyrillic alphabet originates partly from the ANCIENT MACEDONIAN LETTER - THE VENETIC ALPHABT, with (at least 10) unique letters coming from the Glagolitic alphabet. She almost completely ousted the Glagolitic alphabet during the Middle Ages.

         Today Glagolitic alphabet is used only in Church Slavonic and sometimes in liturgical books in the mother tongue in the Catholic Diocese of Kriжеevo in Croatia.

        The name the Glagolitic - Glagolitza alphabet in Czech is: ''hlaholice'', in Slovak: hlaholika, in Polish: głagolica, in Russian, Macedonian and Bulgarian: ''glagolitza - глаголица'', in Croatian: glagoljica, in Ukrainian: ''глаголиця'', in Belarusian: ''глаголіца'', in Slovenian: ''glagolica'', in Serbian: ''глагољица''/glagoljica.


The word "MAKEDONIA" in Glagolitic alphabet.



MAKEDONIA in Glagolitic alphabet


Zografski four gospel - Zografski manastir




Азъ  - MY - (А a)

Бoукъі - Buki - (B b)

Вѣдъі - See - (V v) - from the Venetian alphabet 

Глаголи - Word (Глагол) - (G g) - from the Venetian alphabet 

Добро - Good - (D d) - from the Venetian alphabet 

Естъ - ye - Russian (Е е), (Є є);

Живѣте - Live - (Dzh dzh - Ж ж) 

Ѕѣло - Evil - (Dz dz Ѕ ѕ) 

Земліа - Earth - (Z z) -   (Θ θ) from the Venetian alphabet  

Иже - Y - и, ј - (И и) - (Ι ι) from the Venetian alphabet 

  И - i, Y 

Г'ервь - Gh - (Ѓ ѓ) 

Како - How - (К к) 

Людьѥ - People - (Л л) - from the Venetian alphabet  (Λ λ) 

Мъіслите - think - (М м) - from the Venetian alphabet 

Нашь - Наш - (Н н)

Онъ - He - (О о) 

Покои - Peace - (П п) - from the Venetian alphabet  (Π π) 

Рьци - hands - (R r) - from the Venetian alphabet  (Ρ ρ)

Слово - word - (S s) 

Тврьдо - hard - (Т т) - from the Venetian alphabet  T

Оукъ - Ук - (U u) 

Фръть - Fert - (F f) - from the Venetian alphabet  (Φ φ) 

Хѣръ - Her - (H h) 

Отъ - От - (from the Venetian alphabet )

Шта - Shta

Ци - (Tz tz) - Hebrew Tz tz 

Чрьвь - worms - (Ch ch) 

Ша - (Sh sh) - Hebrew shin ש 

Ѥръ - Yer - Makedonian ' before words beginning with the letter R ' (wow 'rzh )

Ѥръі - Yeri - ' + I 

Ѥрь - Yerey  

ІАть - Yat - from the Venetian alphabet  A - (rejected by the Russian in 1917 and by the Bulgarian in 1945)

  Је - Ye - Е 

Ју - Yu 

Ѧсъ - Yus -  small Y

Ѫсъ (YUS - big) - [Големо Јус] - (rejected

Ѭсъ - [YUS - big] (rejected)

Θита - Fita - from the ''Koinon Makedonon'' alphabet  Θ = DZ, θ = TH ;

Ижица - Idzhiza - и (rejected by the Russian in 1917)

Каменот на глаголица од Хрватска

The Glagolitic stone from Croatia - ''Bašćanska ploča''

Saints Kiril and Metodiy
(Saints Cyrill and Methodius)

Skopje Republic of Macedonia



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Alexandroy Makedonon

Василеон Александрој Македонон и го подари светот на македонците, а тие како му возвратија,.. го отруја, фамилијата му ја уништија,... а денес наместо Македонон (Македонски) го нарекуваат ''велики'' или ''the great'', додека државата на латиница му ја нарекуваат ''Мacedonia'' - Мацедониа, итн,.. а да ќе заборавев,... дозволуваат некој друг да и бира име.

Ќе се најде ли некој да ги ''подисправи'' работите?



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Alexandroy MakedononAlexandroy MakedononAlexandroy Makedonon







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        BACИЛEOH Alexandroy Makedonon  МАКЕДОНОН


Македонско Име вечно нема да загине.
Глава даваме, Македонија и Mакедонско име не даваме.

Од Македонија и Алекcандрoj Македонон, славeн Василeoн Македон нема да се откажеме.
Cлава македонска ќе повратиме,
Алекcандрoj Македонон славен Василeoн Македон обожaваме,
Македонија, земја нај мила уважуваме.

Малку сме на број, ЕЈ, ХЕЈ,
силни сме во бој, ЕЈ, ХЕЈ.
ЕЈ, Алекcандрoj, OJ, OJ,
ЕЈ, Македонон, OH, OH.
Алекcандрoj Македонон славен Василeoн Македон, нас не предводи.